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This is an amazing VN! I absolutely love the music/art/ and characters so far! I already have some theories about some of the stuff in this VN too and I think I might be right about one of them. Keep up the amazing work for this VN as I will definitely be wait for more! =^-^=


Theories already huh? ;) Do let me know later on if you happened to be right!

Thank you for playing,


I will 😊

something about this game feels very nostalgic. nice work 

How so? I'm quite curious... ^^

Thanks for playing,


not sure exactly. something about Gran's personality or the vibe in the diner. it's good tho! i'm excited to see more


Well, hey Drakes, (First, my english may not be the best, so please forgive any mistake)

I just played the last update, my first playthrough of the VN and I must say that, I’m so amused right now, I’m in love with the way you’re leading the story, I know, it’s not much, but the fact that everything is flowing with no rush at all, makes me kinda feel relaxed while playing it, Gran has such a charismatic persona, he’s silly, funny, good company, but what did it for me was Dave, I loved him (maybe too much), he’s serious but know when to humor things, kind, I mean, these are all merely impressions of what I saw, and I’m eager for more, so eager, in fact, that I conviced myself to write this comment, the first for a visual novel if my memory don’t fail me.

Getting some vibes of other comments, I would love to help translate it into other languages, I can’t imagine how charming would it be to play it in my mother language.

What can I say if not, good job, not only are you doing something beautiful, but you are improving a lot of people's lives with this, in fact, it made my day, I will not stretch this any longer, keep up the good work and thank you.



I'm glad that you were able to enjoy it as much as I was creating! I'm also flattered that this little project ended up becoming the first VN that you've ever commented on. Thank you!

As for the translation, I'd love to have some help but right now isn't really the best time considering that this project is still in a pretty early stage. Perhaps later on?

Cheers, have a good day.



Hi Drakes,

First of all I've got to say that I love your art style and the story so far and am really thrilled to see that you've decided to continue the project. I've been following it ever since it first came out but wasn't sure you were going with it until now.

I'm wondering if there's some social media (other than to follow you on, such as patreon or twitter?

I'm really looking forward to the potentials of this game and wonder about your thought on getting it localized into another language (if it doesn't happen to be your first language by change of course), as myself is a member of one such group who does the translations.

Thank you for the kind words. As a matter of fact I do have other social medias, although they're mostly for private use so I can't really share them... Sorry! 

In regards to Patreon... It's not really something that I've thought a lot about, but who knows? Life works in a mysterious way!

I've thought about having the novel to be localised into different languages... It's a really nice idea but I figured that I should add more contents into the novel before getting them translated. Since this project is still in a pretty early stage, there is a high chance that a good chunk of texts will be changed, added or removed. I don't want to hassle translators for every update... Hope you understand!

Thanks for playing,



Awesome update! Just as I expected! I really like how Gran is such a nice lovely guy ❤️ amazing work! Keep it up! 

I'm super happy that you have decided to continue with the visual novel ^^

Thanks for the support bud. I hope I didn't disappoint! 



Thanks for the update, your art are wonderful hope  to see more form the game.

Thank you! I hope you enjoyed the new update!



(2 edits)

I played it on my phone (android)  and you might wanna make the fonts a little bigger, they're kinda small to read. Overall good game, story seems interesting, might also need to do some grammar fixes here and there some sentences don't sound ever natural (understandable cus English is your second language) but you can improve the writing overtime and rewrite some old stuff in the future.


Hey, Drakes is here. Just letting you know the next update should be up within the next week or so. If it's still not up, I give you guys the permission to slap my wrist. :^)

Thanks for all the support! It gave me the motivation to further develop this passion project of mine.

Thanks again and stay safe!


(1 edit)

I'm so looking forward for the update ^^

This game is so good, I like the simple design of the characters, the music. I like the small details(the scenery when riding the bike) you do but it a bit too long for me and the font style is kinda hard to read. I hope there is some nsfw cuz Gran look so HOT. Anyway, love your game <3

Thanks for the input, I'll be sure to consider it. As I have said previously, the font might stick around. If it really hampers a lot of people, I'll replace it.

As for the NSFW part, quoting what I've written above. "Who knows where the wind will blow?" ;)

Thanks for playing,


Sr, I saw the quote  put I want to make sure xD What do you think abt add some animation to the characters? And when the character turn around, they look odd, like I was talking with the 2d cardboard, hope u fix that, or not I still love your game UwU  

(1 edit) (+1)

Since you were wondering, i downloaded it on my mac and yup, it works. Then out of curiosity, i tried out the other choices. Personally, i prefer when this type of game has a little bit more choices, so i hope you'll put a bit more in there eventually :) like, maybe we could choose between punching or just poking Gran lol. Also, it seems no matter what orb we pick, when we find it after it's always glowing blue and then when it fades it's the color we picked.

Also there's a few mistakes in the text. Nothing horrible but one thing did bug me; it's "first of all", not "first able" :)

Thank you for letting me know! I've also noticed the description for the orbs to be wrong. I fixed it, so it should show the correct path in the next update. Just smack me if it's still not though! 



Even tho it was really short i got pretty intrigued by the story. Like someone else said on a phone the text font is really small. Anyway i hope i can play this one day :) if theres like pics with the characters and mc, will the mc have a set appearance? It's always fun to be able to customize a mc appearance a little bit, even if it's just skin/hair/eye color :) anyway good luck! I wish i could hug Gran and snuggle my face on his belly fur xD the other guy seem cool too :)

I haven't thought about the MC having its own appearance, let alone allowing to be customisable. It is however, something that is worth considering as it would add more flavour into the VN. I'm mostly concerned about writing the story at the moment but who knows? Maybe in the future.

Thanks for visiting!


Really like this visually. Would definitely like to see more of Gran ;)

I think you've made some really interesting choices for your characters so far, so it would be good to see them built on in future scenes and/or in reworking the current scenes.

e.g. there is erotic tension between the main character and Gran in the first scene, but then on the motorbike ride there is no mention of this.

e.g. the main character is the kind of person who punches a ripped tiger man in order to check whether he is dreaming or not (rather than just, for example, touching the tiger man's abs). What kind of person does this? What else would we see this character do? (to be clear, I am not saying this is a wrong choice, but if you've made that choice, what other choices follow from it?)

I look forward to seeing/reading more!

(1 edit)

Who wouldn't want to see more of Gran? Heh, thanks for checking out the demo!


(2 edits)

I like it, the story is interesting and the characters are good from afar, I already want to see how you develop the story, the character and story of the characters, only one thing you could change the style of the letter, the android cell text is difficult to read when you italicize it pixelated a lot that the letter looks blurred and is difficult to read, if you could make it a little bigger and / or change the style of the letter it should improve that, except for that the rest I like I hope to see how this advance this project

I'll try increasing the size of the letters for the android version. I have thought about replacing it, but the font itself has stuck on me... Of course, if it really needs to be done, I'll replace it. Cheers


I liked a lot this demo! I can't wait to see more in the next update!

Thanks for playing!



So I streamed this with my discord friends and it was fun.

Some criticism that I'd give is that some of the scenes felt way too stretched out with details and dialogue. That's part of the reason why I cut out a lot of dialogue in the video.

Otherwise, I can see a lot of potential in the story.

It gives me a Blackgate kind of vibe (minus the fact that game is never gonna be finished) where the Human Protagonist unexpectedly appears in another world full of anthros and humans are rare. It's those kinds of plots that I love so much.

Minus the overly stretched scenes, I like this Visual Novel and I hope that this game goes further in story.

Oh man, wasn't expecting someone to upload their playthrough this early in development. Hope you had a decent time testing it out with your friends!

Are some scenes really too stretched out? Personally, I've always liked novels that contain extra details although I do understand where you're coming from so I'll keep that in mind!

My writing could use some work but I'll see what I can do. ^^

Regardless,thanks for spending your time testing the Demo and for creating that video. I've learned a couple of things to keep in mind for further developments that I might not be able to get otherwise.



Im down for the get down hope this one continues in work.

(1 edit)

I'm already working on some new contents, new update should be coming soon. ;)

Thanks for playing.


(1 edit) (+1)

I absolutely love it! I like Gran a lot! And the story is so interesting! Amazing work :3

Thank you!


I'm in love with this demo, I can't wait to see more of this! :3


Glad you liked it, thanks for visiting!


Just played it and enjoyed it really curious about the world, what the orbs are and just what is an orb user?

Only time will tell!

Thanks for checking the project out.


Interesting beginning of the story, can't wait to find out more about the story and the characters. Liked Gran a lot, can't wait to see more of him. Keep up the good work! :)

Gran's nice isn't he?

Thanks for visiting!


me: oh a new M/M furry VN yay. Also me: sees lizard/Kolbold/dragon cherater. DOWNLOAD ALL THE THINGS!! 

just played what was done and it seems intresting so far. I wold like to see where this go's. ill be following this project.

Thanks for checking the demo out!


I will just say that I like that. Want to see more. 

Glad you liked it! Thanks for trying it out.


You are welcome! And Good luck with further game development.

Hi. OMG I love this VN. Story is sooo fricking interesting, art is amazing (I love it) and music is perfect. I can't wait to see new updates.

There will be updates in the future, thanks for testing the short demo!


Heyo! Just played your demo and would like to say that I found it ever so charming. Definitely looking forward to more/ Love the art for it as well!

Thank you for visiting!


Yo/ The first demo is pretty good. If you like there's a furry visual novel discord server where you can discuss production with other dev and ask for help and such.

Thanks for checking the demo out!



Ok....... This is like AMAZING, I'm not joking, I LOVE the character here, the music is also wonderful and it fits the moods perfectly, the art-style is SOOO lovely. Just the little demo made me fell in LOVE with them, I cannot wait to see more of this. And the story is also so intriguing. AHHHHHHHHHHH sorry but I cannot contain my excitement, I'm SOOOOOO pumped to see this project flourish :3


I'm glad that you enjoyed your time! I'll try not to disappoint in future updates, no promises though! ;).

Cheers for checking the demo out!


Hey now, you won't disappoint me or anyone, just give your best like you did in this demo and keep going in your own pace. This is wonderful and I'm sure the rest of the game is gonna be even more amazing, just don't stress over it, just have fun making it and we'll be here to support you throughout the process. Just remember to not overwork yourself and to have fun while doing it. Anyway I hope you have a wonderful day today and may more amazing days come your way ;3


When I first saw the game I was taken aback by the artstyle, I'm not going to lie, but the opening was so intriguing and had me captivated in an instant.  And the music too... the mood that is created fits perfectly and I like it a lot. Now I know there are many VN's out there, many good ones as well, however every single one is unique on it's own and so is Limits. 

Btw. the artstyle is not bad, just a bit too angular for my liking.

Here's a friendly tip: There are a few text errors, grammatical and spelling ones, though nothing ground breaking really.

I'm always a sucker for fantasy settings and this does appear to even be mystery. Fantastic! 


Hahaha yeah, I've been told that there are grammatical errors and texts. I really need to work on my writing or get someone better to proofread! ^^' 

Regardless, thanks for taking the time to write a feedback and checking the demo out!


Love it, can't wait for the next update

Glad you liked it!


Amazing start! I hope to see the next update

I'm currently working on updates, so sit tight.

Thanks for checking the demo out!



im already liking the direction of the storie cant wait for more


Thanks for visiting, hope you enjoyed the demo!


Deleted 4 years ago

Thanks! I'm glad that people are liking the character assets, I was a bit anxious since I made them myself ^^.

Hope you enjoyed the short demo.


Oh I did! I'm curious where the story goes from here, what sort of... powers do orb users have and what does it even mean to be an orb user. 


Good job for your work, Hope to see more of the visual novel in future. 


Thank you. I'm already working on continuing the story and doing some adjustments. Hope you had a decent time testing the demo out!


(1 edit) (+1)

Definitely continue this its really a breath of fresh air from the now too many vns of horror genre that keep popping up, I love the characters especially the dragon and very much hope you continue this

Thank you for checking the demo out! Hope you enjoyed it. I'm a fan of the dragon myself :)



(1 edit)

dude the music is pretty chill. nice...

oh... and theres this orbs i wonder if magic exist in this world... interesting 

wow, a good start and I'm looking forward to the update!

Hold on to your seat then! Because I'm working on it.

Thanks for checking the demo out!



I really enjoyed this. However, it really took me for a loop. Things felt like they moved way to quickly to start out with.I noticed multiple spots with great timing for a good laugh. Can't wait to see just how far this could go!


Is the pacing a bit too fast? I'll see what I can do to make the novel more seamless. No promises though! ;)

Regardless, thanks for trying the demo!



Mmmm yes, buff tiger content


aka Torahiko content^^ just more mature? I haven't played it yet, so I can't know... 


Not every tiger is Torahiko

(1 edit) (-2)

I was joking! Tora is like the most famous tiger furry out there, besides the Nekojishi tigers, Ticer and Dash Tiger. Why wouldn't I compare him to other tiger furries? Your username implies that you can take a joke, but clearly I was wrong. If you don't like Torahiko you could just say so.

(Btw. very helpful comment you got there...)

I enjoyed the first demo! Keep going, I really liked the choices and backstory behind it. The only constructive criticism I had is the font, I'll admit it took me few minutes to adjust and started reading right away.

Such lovely visual novel, I want to read more! I look forward to your progress. <3

Yeah, the font decision was kinda poor on my part. I'll consider changing it though! Thanks for checking it out,



yay! another vn! haha yes yes spoil me with furries

Hope you enjoyed the short demo!

yep. really enjoyed it

(1 edit) (+1)

My collection list reached 100 but I moved one game to the list only of furry games. So the novels, comic and text list down to 99 again. I think.

Nice that this one is compatible with android.

Maybe I should do another list only with Novels playable in android.


HOLY MOLY this VN is impressive! The soundtrack herevery is GORGEOUS. 

I really can't put into words how much i love the sounds youve chosen. <3 <3 

As someone who is working with currently the UI and backgrounds are fantastic. The backgrounds have a consistent style and they are visually interesting as they are. (A lot of devs use a very basic filter effect and poorly implement it. These effects are so well done here. They wouldn't look out of place in a big budget game.)

Overall I really like the story and the direction its going. The writing was good and your character sprites are very very nice looking. I've finished the story content you've written so far and I've got so many questions... I want to know more haha.  

The font you've chosen for the dialogue screen was a little difficult to read in some of the longer lines. I really appreciate it's stylistic effect, and it definitely makes your VN stand out from others. Some of the longer sentences or paragraphs could probably benefit from being broken up into seperate lines. This makes it easier to digest. 

I really hope you get the attention you deserve for this demo! I'm really impressed. Fingers crossed you'll think about releasing an update soon! :)  

(1 edit)

Thank you! I don't know how I feel being compared to a big budget game haha but thanks nonetheless. As for the font, honestly I simply picked one that looked sorta look a bit funky. Poor decision on my part yeah? I'll consider replacing it with something more managable '^_^. Thanks for your other feedbacks, I'll keep it in mind.

Hope you enjoyed the short demo! Cheers


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